December 10, 2020

mirror fragments on gray surface with the reflection of a person s arm

In my last blog post I talked about the 5 main elements every website needs to ensure you have a website that converts.

Today I am going to talk about the 7 things that get forgotten when companies create their website.

When creating your website, It's easy to overlook a-lot of things.

Most companies when creating a website copy a big brand website and think that’s what they need.

The mistake in copying anything from big brand companies is that big brands skip a-lot of information that would be vital for small businesses because ...well they’re a big brand they don’t need to do everything a small business needs to do to be seen or heard.

Also, big brand companies can afford to cut corners small businesses can't.

The 7 Missing Pieces Of Your Website

These are the 7 most popular missing pieces of websites.

  1. Approach 
  2. Logical Flow
  3. Personality
  4. Powerful Connection
  5. "The What"
  6. "The Why"
  7. Urgency

Let's Dive In...

1. Approach

The approach is based on the way your website is structured to accomplish your websites main objective.

  • Structuring your website so that it accomplishes your pages main objective, which is either to "buy now", "book an appointment", or "opt-into an email marketing system".

Examples Of Different Approaches That Effect Conversion.

  • Placing the opt-in form on the right side instead of the left side
  • Putting testimonials higher up 
  • Adding in a comparison chart 
  • Having a 2 step- email opt in instead of the 1 step opt in

Example of a clients landing page. Main objective is to get prospects to opt-in and download the free maintenance checklist. The approach of having the form on the right-hand side increased opt in by 20.6% compared to having it on the left-hand side. In general, having the form on the right-hand side gives a higher conversion.

2. Logical Flow 

Logical flow ensures your website follows your ideal prospects sequence of thought.

  • Logical sequence of thought follows the thought pattern of your prospects as they come on to your site.

To correctly follow your prospects logical sequence of thought you have to put yourself into your prospects point of view.

Logical sequence answers the following question:

How Can I Structure The Page So That It Supports The Sequence Of Thought Necessary To Achieving The Pages Main Objective?

How Does Logical Flow Increase Conversion?

When key elements flow together on a website in a logical pattern of thought it increases clarity for the prospect, when something is very clear and easy to understand the impact of its message is magnified 10x, and when the impact of your message is magnified naturally conversion increases which then leads to revenue increase for your business.

When The Website Is Laid Out In Logical Sequence Of Thought

Clarity Increases --> Impact Increases-->Conversion Increases--> More Revenue For You

Things That Obstruct The Flow On Your Website

  • Stacking different ideas one after another
    • Ideas are great for your website but stacking different ideas in a row confuses your website visitors because stacking is an unnatural flow of thought.
    • Confusion decreases conversion
  • Evenly weighted columns
    • Having evenly weighted columns is confusing, visitors don’t know what to look at or what train of thought to follow
    • It's equal to stepping into a store and having 3 different employees greeting you at once, you don’t know who to pay attention to.
  • Talking about "the why" before "the what"
    • when we tell visitors why they should buy from us without telling them what they are buying it doesn’t make sense and again causes confusion
  • Talking about "the what" while providing a weak why
    • When you tell visitors what they are buying without giving them a strong reason to buy chances are they won’t buy.
  • Failure to communicate the what and why in a conversational tone
    • All messaging on your website should be done in a conversational tone. Just like if you were a salesman in a store selling your product to a potential client face to face
  • If the messaging on your website is all declaration "we are the best" and not enough explanation prospects won’t believe you.
    • Creating belief is a huge part of your website. People are skeptical of you the moment they get on your site and you have to be extremely aware of every claim and statement you make.
    • Supporting every statement and claim with quantifiable facts creates belief and trust in your company.

How To Create Logical Flow On Your Website

  • Use a single voice- Don't put testimonials or ideas side by side. Everything on your webpage should be flowing down.
  • Connect every thought with transitions and conversions- This mimics how we talk in real life, making it easier for people to understand your website
  • Help your prospect come to a conclusion that relates to your page’s main objective. When you follow a logical flow your prospects will come to the conclusion you want them to come to easier.

3. Personality 

Personality is your sites personal connection with your visitors.

You need a way to connect with visitors on your site because connection builds rapport and rapport increases conversion. 

Remember: People Buy From People They Like.

Things That Contribute To The Personality Of Your Site

  • Images
  • Smiling human faces
  • Pay attention to font (sticking with classic fonts is best)
  • Color (different colors shortcut our brains to different things: blue= trust)

What To Be Aware Of When Creating Personality On Your Site

Ask yourself:

  • Is this a bragging site?
  • do you tell people you're the best without explanation?
  • Do you make unquantifiable statements about quality
  • Is this a site that uses lots of exaggerated praise?

How Do Good Sites Communicate With Their Visitors?

They communicate through explanation.

  • They talk to visitors like they are talking to a friend.
  • They explain things in ways that makes sense to the visitors, which allows for clear communication and with clear communication conversion increases.

4. Powerful Connection

The strongest connections on your website are made through your:

  • Headline
  • Subhead

They both capture attention and then convert that attention to interest.

What Are The 3 Questions The Top 1/3 Of Your Site Should Answer to build a powerful connection?

  • where am I?
  • what can I do here?
  • why should I do it?

What Is A Headline

A good headline is based on the self-interest of the prospect and immediately shows prospects what they are getting the moment they land on the page.

Example of a good headline that appeals to the readers self-interest:

"I gambled a postage stamp and won $35,840 in 2 years"

  • who wouldn’t like to win $35,840 by gambling a postage stamp?
A Headline Doesn’t Keep Customers It Gets Them

What Is A Sub Headline

A sub headline can be used to do two things:

1. Emphasizes the headline- you can write a subhead that continues the same thought you expressed in your headline

  • Example: if you stopped a reader with a headline about house paint, you can be sure that reader wants more information about house paint. You will not lose him as long as you continue to give him what he wants.

2. Explanation of the 3 key elements that compose "the what"

  • what do I get?
  • what will it do for me?
  • Benefits! benefits! benefits!

Example from a Lean on Meals landing page where the subhead is used to explain the 3 key elements that compose the what. 


5. The What

"The what" is simple to answer.

The "what" answers the following questions:

  • What is the solution you are offering your prospects?
  • What are they buying?
  • What are they getting?

The most common problem with "the what" is talking about the what at the wrong time. 

Companies will sometimes place their what after their why.

  • The problem with that is it doesn’t follow the prospects logical train of thought. Telling your prospect why they should buy from you before you tell them what they're buying creates confusion. Confusion leads to prospects leaving your site. 

When You Place The Why Before The What The Prospect Is Not Clear Of What He Can Do Here

6. The Why (Value Prop) 

"The why" explains to your prospect why your company can help them with their problem. You position yourself as unique and show your prospect why you can provide them with what they need better than anyone else.

Example Of A Companies Why:

"you get the most accurate mailing list because we make 26 million phone calls a year"

  • This explains to the prospect clearly why this company is the best solution for their mailing list problem.

Summing Up The Why:

  • Articulate "the why" in a single ultimate reason
  • Use modifiers like: "biggest"
  • Be quantitative - Numbers produce credibility
  • Use story form- people have a deep emotional connection to story and take to it more than just naming the facts.

7. Urgency

Everyone needs a reason to get off their chair and BUY NOW~ and in order to that they need some kind of urgency.

Usually, a deadline is a best way to do this.

An example would be putting a countdown or an expiry date in the opt-in section of your website.

The point of this is to push your prospect to take action now. If your prospect doesn’t take action now the chances of them coming back is slim to none.

Jennifer Tiwana

Jennifer has experience in Journalism, Writing and Editing for National News Networks such as the Globe and Mail. Student of Leading Marketing and Advertising Experts such as Russel Brunson, Dan Kennedy, Joseph Sugarman, and John Caples. Responsible for Sales Letters that have generated over $500,000 in Revenue.


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